I am also Keith Neilson, is the companion blog to I am Keith Neilson. This is where I write about games other than EVE and post my thoughts on gaming culture, technology, and design.
I am currently pursuing a career as a freelance video games and technology journalist. If you would like to contact me regarding a writing opportunity please use this form.
Samples of my published work can be found in this PDF
Alternatively I can be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook
If I am paid to post about something I will tell you in the post involved. Any links to products which appear in posts (mainly movies, books, and games) which lead to Amazon are affiliate links and you can rest assured that I will only link to items if I think they're worth buying. All other adverts are served by Adsense and as such I cannot claim any responsibility for what you find on the other end.
The content of this blog is published under a creative commons license as detailed at the bottom of the page.